Saturday, December 20, 2008

First major snow storm of the season in NYC

It started yesterday, Friday December 19, it was already snowing hard when I woke up. For a split second, I felt like a child again, staring in wonder out the window as the white flakes fell hard and thick.

Today I went out to look at the snow. It was white, bright and gorgeous. The squirrels were nowhere to be found, and only a stray finch bird here and there was hopping around, braving the elements. There was a good strong wind and it didn't take long for me to feel a bit winded. I went to the supermarket and picked up some supplies for the kitchen, some snacks, some drinks, before scurrying back home to a waiting dog who didn't see all that put out to not be walked. She seemed to just know it was majorly cold out, with the temps in the 20 degree level, and she was not in a hurry to get out there and experience it herself.

As soon as I got home I put the grocery items away, changed into comfortable home clothes and climbed into bed with a hot cup of tea. The dog followed me and within minutes was snoring loudly and contentedly wrapped in the comforter with me. And we were both content.

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