Sunday, March 23, 2008

I've been attending artist showcases

And wanted to place some of what I've seen onto this site, because that's what this thing is all about.

I was feeling a bit stuck, and needed some inspiration. My close friends certainly were not providing much and going through their own creative turmoils. Was it just the weather? I wondered. Would it be a long wait til Spring when one can be more mobile and thus more inspired (at least in my case).

I checked what was going on in the neighborhood through myspace of all things. Lo and behold, I couldn't have picked a better time to go check some of the local talent out here in NYC.
March is Celebrating Women in History month.

This is Elena, who is a photographer and just lights up the room with her smile. She had just had her exhibit the day before I took this picture, and she was, as she puts it, still floating on air from the big reception and huge turnout of supporters to her show (me among them!). Here she is supporting a fellow artist's exhibit which was taking place the very next day.

Here is the packed house for her exhibit:

Here Elena was directing the crowd to check out some more artwork that was for display and for sale.

Here is Mia - her show was also a hit, lots of people came. She was a bit nervous but her artwork speaks for itself. She is finding her voice and is only getting stronger and better.

What was interesting was that it was nice to see someone human standing up there, someone who was passionate about their work but not necessarily a polished professional who had all the words or everything figured out neatly.

Here is Maria. She is a spoken word/performance artist. She enacted a piece inspired by the writings and life of a famous Mexican saint, Sor Juana. Maria kept our attention with her focus and intensity.

Each of these women approach their art very uniquely and differently. Each had something positive and powerful to say. Each one had their own outlook and opinion on what they viewed. We saw what inspired them, what made them come to where they were currently at and gave a hint as to where they might go from here. The month is not over yet. There is still plenty I need to see and make a point of observing, learning and recording. Somehow I feel I'm stepping in and being a part of history in the making.

Energy renewed, inspiration coming!


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