Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Interesting timing

Makes someone who could be paranoid even slightly more so.

I get a call from a prior gig I used to work -- suddenly they need someone. Bleary-eyed from working overnight the day before, I was surprised and sort of chuckled. Did I want to reply?

Well, this is a gig I've done for several months that didn't lead to any huge revelations or skill building. Yet I liked the person I worked for. Then I get the doozy. The call will be for like 6 in the morning. What the hell are we filming, the sunrise? I wondered to myself.

No wonder. Nobody else would have done it. Do I really think so little of my time? I considered. I wasn't doing anything, miracle of miracles, for Thursday. It was my first clear clean day as far as my other jobs were concerned.

Another person wanted photos done and yet was shy about coughing up what their "budget" was. If you are emphasizing the word budget, then give me a number so I can make a decisive move as to whether we should continue taking up each other's time. I advised what I could offer as a starting point chopped from the original price to negotiate from after already showing the potential client some of my work online. I think I've done all I can do.

Very odd. And frustrating. People want product, and quality product, but don't want to pay.